Meet M! Ja'Michael Darnell
Ja'Michael Darnell stars as Devon/M in the world premiere of Reina Hardy's THE AFTERPARTY for Shrewd Productions

A message from Ja'Michael
Have you ever had an opportunity fall from the sky and land in your palm that feels like it was faultlessly meant for you? That's what it feels like to be playing in The Afterparty. I fell in love with Reina's work when I experienced Annie Jump years ago and now I'm "starring" in her play. How celestial is that! I'm excited that I'm able to help tell a love story that challenges us to not take for granted our gifts as humans--bodies, feelings, intentions, and sex.
About Ja'Michael Darnell
Ja’Michael Darnell is an actor from Hearne, TX. He is excited to be back playing in Austin after his two year adventure of studying physical theatre at Atelier Teatro Fisico in Turin, Italy under a Fulbright U.S. Student award. He is even more excited about finally getting an opportunity to play in one of Reina’s beautiful plays and to be back at The VORTEX. Acting Credits: Liberty! Equality! And Fireworks!, Hairspray, King of Hearts, Twenty Eight, The Wiz, Wail, Cosmicomics, Our Country’s Good, Kill Floor,and River City​.
(Photo by Errich Peterson, Costume by Monica Pasut, makeup by Amelia Turner)