Xmas Performer Spotlight - Trey Deason
We're thrilled to announce you'll be enjoying the dulcet tones of Shrewd Company Member, Trey Deason, in Xmas Unwrapped!

About Trey
Trey Deason is a Shrewd Company Member who was last seen in the Rolling World Premiere of Jump by Charly Evon Simpson, and previously in Xmas Unwrapped and Feast Of Fools. As a company member of the Vortex, he's appeared in the productions of The Secret Lives of the Inbetweeners (B. Iden Payne Nomination), Lear, Cyberfest, Stars and Barmen (B. Iden Payne Nomination), A Perfect Robot, Privacy Settings: A Promethean Tale, and in the immersive theatrical experience Performance Park, among many other shows. He has also worked with Austin Jewish Theatre (Fiddler on the Roof), Different Stages (The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? and An Inspector Calls), and Sky Candy (Cosmicomics and The Time Machine). He is also an accomplished playwright having been nominated for the B. Iden Payne Award for Best Original Script for his short play Brownies and his full length Cardigan. He has also contributed many scripts to Scriptworks Out of Ink Festivals in the past including Tammy Sue's Grand Finale and Angelica's Source of Power.